Depending on who you talk to, thePPACA (aka Obamacare) is either long awaited salvation from utter medical darkness, or an unprecedented bureaucratic train wreck that will not only screw up our medical care, but cost us our freedom and destroy our economy in the bargain.
It is tough to get good information on this subject, because every aspect of it is so drenched in politics. Anything you say instantly brands you as a lover or hater of the president and “his” so-called “health care reform”.
One organization that should have some credibility is the AAPS – the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. This is an organization of the doctors who will have to provide the medical care under the new regime, and they are not happy about it. They produce a newsletter that is often packed with good links and information about the PPACA, and medical information in general. They are the “other side” of the medical community.
You can check out their newsletter here.