Those who believe that stuff paid for by taxpayers is “free” seldom say so. Mark Dayton is not only saying so, but touting it as something to brag about. If all-day kindergarten at taxpayer expense is good, why not taxpayer funded daycare? How about taxpayer funded full-ride college? How about “free” tutoring for those who are not doing well in school? How about “free” tutoring for those who want to excel?
In his latest newsletter, he touts “free” all day kindergarten:
Watch This: Free All-Day Kindergarten Starts in Minnesota
WCCO | September 2, 2014
For the first time in Minnesota, free all-day kindergarten is available to students across the state. Gov. Mark Dayton welcomed students at Garden City Elementary in Brooklyn Center Tuesday morning on their first day of school. It’s estimated that 54,000 kindergartners in Minnesota are enrolled in all-day kindergarten
We know better. Nothing is “free”. It is as dishonest to ignore the costs as it is disrespectful to dismiss those taxpayers who pay the bills.
It’s time to elect a governor who respects taxpayers, and doesn’t claim to give out “free stuff”.