This coming Tuesday, we will all have an opportunity to participate in party politics. I encourage everyone, in every party, to go to caucus. Get involved. Choose your favored candidates and support them. It is important. It matters. Get information about local caucuses here.
This is a presidential election year. The most important thing our president does is to articulate the vision of who and what we are as a people. Ronald Reagan did this well. Love him or hate him, he left little to the imagination about where he stood, what was important, and where we, as a nation, should be going.
President Obama also has done this well but the difference between Obama’s and Reagan’s visions could not be more stark.
Reagan spoke of a shining city on a hill, of an industrious people who were capable of great things if only the government would get out of the way. He spoke of war and peace as though they were distinct. His famous comment: “We win, they lose” speaks volumes. Reagan spoke of individual responsibility, and individual initiative. Reagan reminded us that we, the people, have a government, not the other way around. To Reagan, “On your own” means you are a responsible, proud, adult citizen.
Obama speaks of a nation that needs to apologize for its history, of a people who are suffering and helpless. He speaks of government, not the people, as the source of charity and progress. He speaks of the people as wards who must be kept firmly under control, lest they fail. War is a “man caused disaster”. No winners. No losers. Individual responsibility is paying your taxes. Showing individual initiative proves your taxes are not high enough. He is constantly reminding us that “on your own” qualifies you as victim, with a right to taxpayer help.
This election is about this contrast. Will we be proudly “on our own”, or will we give up our freedom and join the victims demanding help?
Some candidates detect the mood of the people, and reflect it. They appear to lead, but in fact they are only seeking power. They upset no one. They maximize their words, but minimize their meaning. They foster trust by promising no bold action. These are the “safe” candidates.
Other candidates rock the boat. They are articulate and bold. They offend people, but no one doubts where they stand. They paint a clear vision of what must be, without the filtering of focus groups and the counsel of the timid.
We are at a crossroads. President Obama has articulated a vision, and we need an opponent from the GOP who can say clearly and convincingly why his vision is wrongheaded. We cannot afford another presidential election where the contrasts between these wildly different visions are airbrushed away in an attempt to “win the middle”. We either have a free country based on individual rights and personal responsibility or we don’t. We either have a government, or the government has us.
We cannot have some people drive on the left side of the road, and some on the right. For some things we have to make a choice. Someone has to be right, and someone wrong.
Republicans need an accomplished, bold, articulate, and passionate candidate who is willing to lead. We need someone who understands why, and can speak clearly about, why Mr. Obama’s vision is fatally flawed. The election must be a judgement on our direction, not a choice for the least undesirable candidate.
I believe that the candidate with the experience, track record, skills, vision and passion that we need is Newt Gingrich.
I will be voting for, and encouraging others to vote for Newt Gingrich this coming Tuesday.
I hope to see you there.