The Citizens Council for Health Fredom (web site here) is a great organization, and is working hard to preserve your health care freedom. I have subscribed to their periodic newsletter, which can be seen here. This newsletter outlines how electronic … Continue reading
Don Lee
(updated 2/27/2012 with 2002 map info) For those of you who are anxious to see what the new districts look like, there are two sources available now. One is the MN Courts site here. The second is the MN GIS … Continue reading

Don encourages his neighbors to attend caucus, and do their duties as citizens. He also offers his endorsement for President, and the rationale for his choice.
Continue readingI encourage everyone to attend precinct caucus this coming Tuesday, February 7th, 2012. This is your opportunity to participate in party politics. This is the “grassroots”. Be there. I also have a new post on the Mendota Heights Patch. Check … Continue reading

Don posts a quick blog commenting on the mastery of Barack Obama in making atrocious ideas sound attractive.
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Don ties the idea of the Rule of Law, and honorable office holders to the recent recess appointment of Mr. Cordray to the CFPB.
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