Friends and Neighbors,
Do you believe in self-government?
Do you believe that the supreme law of the land is our constitution?
Do you believe that your tax money should be spent wisely and frugally?
Do you believe, as our framers did, that a central purpose of government is to protect our God-given rights, especially the rights of the most vulnerable?
Do you believe that our laws should be clear, few and apply equally to everyone?
I do too.
That’s what the American Experiment is about – the radical idea that people can govern themselves. We don’t need a king to tell us what to do, or how to live. We make our own choices. We take responsibility for those choices. We mind our own business. We rule ourselves, not each other. We levy taxes for the common good, not as punishment for success. Government is necessary, but not a God. Good government is limited government – a government of laws, and not of men.
My race for the District 52B House seat is a key battle against a powerful and entrenched incumbent. He spent close to $80,000 dollars in 2014 to defeat me. He is already busy raising more money for the 2016 race. He says he believes these things, but his votes say otherwise.
I want to beat him, and I need your help.
I’m not going to win any awards from special interests, because my votes will be based on the long term interest of the whole state, not the demands of the well-connected. I will do my best to represent you based on principle, and the general welfare, not the current poll. I will stick to the truth, and do what’s right, rather than what’s popular. This is about the next generation, not the next election.
Are you with me? Will you help me make this a real race? Your best weapon is your checkbook. Take it out right now and write a check to Don Lee for House. Visit http://donlee2016.org and donate with PayPal. Invite a friend to click on “count me in” so our numbers can grow.
Is the future of Minnesota worth $100 to you? Every dollar counts. $50, $20 or whatever you can afford will get us closer to our goal. Even $5 helps.
Help me stand up for your freedom. Give me the fuel to win this race.