Once you accept the premise that government can take money from citizens simply because they have “too much”, as we have already done with the graduated income tax, the “wealth tax” is not far behind. Story here: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/taxing-wealth-answer-boosting-long-term-growth-dan-132914787.html … Continue reading
Category Archives: Events
The AAPS is a wonderful organization, and is doing what the AMA should be. This op-ed is an excellent read. Enjoy, Read it here. … Continue reading
A great article that analyzes what happened between 2001, when the projections were for federal surplus off into the distant future, to today, when enormous debt threatens to swallow is. Read the article here. … Continue reading
There is a lot of misinformation floating around on the PPACA (Obamacare). Take a look at this web site, and take the quiz. http://healthreformquestions.com/ … Continue reading
I have an opinion piece in the Pioneer Press today. You can read it here. On Honor and Office … Continue reading
The FCC has recently run a test that demonstrates the capabilities of the EAS. (Emergency Alert System) This may sound like a good idea, but the free citizens of the USA should pause to consider what it means. The way … Continue reading

The twisted logic and disappointing decision of the Supreme Court on the PPACA (Obamacare) has a single saving grace – putting the responsibility for lawmaking where it belongs.
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