The AAPS is a wonderful organization, and is doing what the AMA should be. This op-ed is an excellent read. Enjoy, Read it here. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Health care
There is a lot of misinformation floating around on the PPACA (Obamacare). Take a look at this web site, and take the quiz. … Continue reading

The twisted logic and disappointing decision of the Supreme Court on the PPACA (Obamacare) has a single saving grace – putting the responsibility for lawmaking where it belongs.
Continue readingI have not yet read the entire opinion of the SCOTUS, but so far, I am left aghast at the combination of illogic and overreach in the opinion. My single consolation so far is the straightforward dissent offered by justice … Continue reading

Don Lee takes President Obama to task for an inconsistent attitude toward the Supreme Court, and the constitution.
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Don defers to his betters in this post, pointing to an more articulate writer – Charles Krauthammer.
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