I have an opinion piece in the Pioneer Press today. You can read it here. On Honor and Office … Continue reading
Category Archives: Issues

The twisted logic and disappointing decision of the Supreme Court on the PPACA (Obamacare) has a single saving grace – putting the responsibility for lawmaking where it belongs.
Continue readingThe constant thrust of the left is to pursue the chimera of the risk-free society. From seatbelts, to helmets, to laws mandating concussion policies at youth sports to voluminous regulations on lifesaving drugs, the illusion of safety is an obsession … Continue reading
I have not yet read the entire opinion of the SCOTUS, but so far, I am left aghast at the combination of illogic and overreach in the opinion. My single consolation so far is the straightforward dissent offered by justice … Continue reading
Thomas Sowell, as usual, hits the nail on the head in this commentary. … Continue reading

Don Lee takes President Obama to task for an inconsistent attitude toward the Supreme Court, and the constitution.
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Don defers to his betters in this post, pointing to an more articulate writer – Charles Krauthammer.
Continue readingThis article in a major law firm’s notifications to its clients highlights some proposed federal rule changes. These rule changes dramatically raise the priority of politics over competence in everything a federal contractor does, mandating detailed reporting, training standards, external … Continue reading