Competence or Compliance?

This article in a major law firm’s notifications to its clients highlights some proposed federal rule changes.  These rule changes dramatically raise the priority of politics over competence in everything a federal contractor does, mandating detailed reporting, training standards, external notification, federal oversight and penalties for non-compliance.

This is the federal idea of “affirmative action” on steroids.  It is the federal government seizing control of the details of a contractor’s personnel decisions to achieve a political goal.  It is tyranny.

The worst part is that it will likely accomplish nothing, as the rules are too onerous to actually follow.  It is likely that contractors will find a way around them, get waivers, or become “exempt vendors”.  They may even move off-shore so they can operate without the onerous supervision of the bureaucrats.  For those who cannot escape, their costs will go up, and taxpayers will foot the bill.

The federal OFCCP site is:

Check out the FAQ.

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