This is a somber day.
It is on this day in 2001 that America came face to face with evil, and was wounded. The image of a wealthy, all powerful nation in a world at permanent peace was shown to be a fantasy on 9/11. America saw on that day that the bad guys don’t always share our values. Sometimes they don’t even value their own lives. For decades, the policy with airline hijackers was to cooperate. On this day in 2001, that policy died, along with over 3000 Americans, and our innocence.
On that day, we learned again that protecting ourselves and each other requires sacrifice. On that day in 2001, we learned that there are times when there is no one else to do the job. Sometimes sacrifice is required, and the time is now, and the job is mine.
Those who died on flight 93 in a field in Pennsylvania showed us what can and should be expected of every citizen – to rise to the challenge when the challenge is clear. We learned on that day that everyday people can be, and will be, heroes when called upon.
I am always offended when people imply that we are a nation of greedy, lazy, indifferent citizens. Only hardship shows what we are really made of. On that day, we did. We ran into burning towers in New York, and fought hijackers in Pennsylvania. We used what we had to help, and we pulled together as Americans.
This video is a wonderful uplift on this day of remembrance.
Our calling is to be worthy of the sacrifices of those who gave of themselves to protect and defend us.
May God bless our nation.