We often see people who have such strong desire to believe something that they cling to their belief well the point of supportable reason. Eventually though, the facts win, and they have to adjust.
This is coming true with thePPACA. Supporters of the 2010 legislation insist that it will have this or that benefit, and president Obama has monotonously assured us that if we like our doctors and insurance plans, we can keep them.
Unfortunately, facts are stubborn things. This year the proverbial rubber is meeting the proverbial road, and the fact is that the PPACA is forcing many, many changes in health care. Those many changes mean that you may well lose your doctor and/or insurance plan. One inconvenient (for the administration) place this is becoming obvious is in union health care plans.
The leaders of those unions are doing right by their members by turning on the administration, and demanding changes in the PPACA to keep the promises that were made. The UFCWleadership is one such organization making noise.
Some of us said all along that this would be a train wreck. (see also here and here)
To the union leadership I say – better late than never. Welcome to the opposition to this poorly conceived and oversold law.