It is expected that government officials might be tempted to ask for “help” from the people that they regulate, but to ask for that help publicly is a real problem. How do you ask for a “voluntary” contribution from somone you regulate?
Kathleen Sebelius is reported to be “asking companies for financial donations“.
It may be news to the HHS secretary, but a regulator cannot “request” a donation. This is akin to the state patrol setting up a roadblock and asking each passing motorist for a donation to help with their work. No intelligent citizen could refuse.
Thanks to the PPACA (Obamacare) Ms. Sibelius of HHS will soon be in a position to control (regulate) health care companies in ways that other regulators could only dream of. No relationship between one of these companies and HHS is voluntary. This sort of “request” is little more than extortion.
This should be called what it is – corruption.
I’m shocked. You should be, too.