The Obama administration, in selling the #TrainWreck said many times, in many places, in many ways that if you like your health care, you can “keep it”. You can keep your “plan”, and your doctor.
This has always been a ridiculous promise. The PPACA forces insurance companies to add expensive new provisions to existing policies. As of Jan 1, 2014, policies without these provisions become illegal.
But, there is a “grandfather” rule! Yes, but that only applies if the “grandfathered” policy does not change, which they do frequently. The PPACA still imposes new costs and burdens on those “grandfathered” policies, but puts strict limits on what they can do without losing the “grandfathered” status. At minimum, these policies will be more expensive. What good does it do to “keep” something that has doubled in price, or if the insurance company has dropped it?
Instead of admitting that they were wrong, the White House is defending the promise by saying that consumers now have better options. That makes it OK. Seriously.
With recent news of insurance policy cancellations and doctors being unavailable in new networks as a result of the PPACA, we see the reality of that promise to be false.
Did the Obama administration knowingly lie to us? This article from NBC news says they may well have done just that.