The truth matters.
First of all, let’s get something straight. A lie is something told with the intention to deceive. If I tell you I will meet you for lunch, and my car breaks down, I did not lie to you. If I tell you I’ll meet you for lunch with the intention of robbing your office while you’re out, I’m lying to you.
If I do do this to you more than once, you need some serious help.
President Obama has been the author of some whoppers. “If you like your plan you can keep your plan” is the most famous. I believe that he is both bolder and more skillful than the Clintons in this department, and that’s an accomplishment. Here is a helpful list.
President Obama is now pushing his Iran deal. He says it’s built on verification, not on trusting the Iranians, but that’s the problem. A verification protocol depends utterly on the will of the verifier to be diligent and trustworthy. There will be plenty of incentive – politically – to look the other way. If the Iranians do cheat, the revelation will be humiliating. The Iranians will be closer to their bomb, and at least $150 billion richer. Can Obama, world champion can-kicker, be relied upon to face up to such a disaster, tell the truth, and take appropriate action?
Trust me. (also here)
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
The rhetoric of the Iranians suggest that if they get nuclear weapons, they will be inclined to use them. They are also pursuing ICBMs that may allow them to hit the US. Taking this risk lightly is criminally foolish.
This time it’s not just politics.
If we care about the truth, it must be defended. Lies, once accepted, become a fog that makes the truth hard to find. Trust must be earned.
We must defend the truth by pushing back on every lie. Our high officials must especially be held accountable, and told in no uncertain terms that straying from the truth, and breaking our trust, is unacceptable.
The truth: defend it, or lose it.
Follow me at http://donlee2016.org