I love Thomas Sowell’s writing, but he also has some wonderful quotes on his website.
I want you to hear it from me.
The House District 52B Republicans held our convention today. We endorsed my competitor, Regina Barr, for the house race.
Many, many thanks to all of you who have supported me in this campaign. Although this is the end of my candidacy in this race, I will continue to champion the ideas that we share.
May God bless you all,
-Don Lee

A snippet of dialog from A Man for All Seasons illustrating the importance of the Rule of Law.
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The central questions in this election are not the ones you hear about. Should we enact the popular thing, or the right thing?
Continue readingI was recently interviewed by on-line news source Alpha News. See the interview here:
Republican Endorsement Battle in Minnesota: Meet Challenger Don Lee

It’s time for the truth. No more Big Promises and no more shortcuts. Let’s have a serious conversation, and stick to the truth.
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Inequality is not a problem. It’s the point. It’s a driver of our economy, and both consequence and cause of our liberty.
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Today, the formal press release went out to the news media announcing Don’s campaign kickoff for the Minnesota House seat in district 52B. The press release can be found here.
Don’s themes will be restoring self-government, frugal, limited government, and the truth.