It is hard to fathom how anyone could listen to this testimony and not be concerned about the behavior of our federal government.
See video here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=589797007761126
Of all the corruption and abuse of power that might be practiced, the deliberate use of police power to suppress dissent is among the most insidious. This includes the IRS, OSHA, EPA, and others. All of them have the power to shut down businesses, fine people and at minimum smack them with enormously costly legal battles.
I oppose the law that the woman in the video favors. I oppose it for a simple reason. We don’t need more laws. We need to follow the laws we have. If we are not following the law, additional law is simply an admission of impotence and failure.
If you agree with me, write to your representatives – John Kline, Amy Klobuchar, andAl Franken. You can also write to the President. Tell them what you think of this, and remind them that you vote.