If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to.
Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964
For at least the last 200 years, America has been the place where those who wanted Freedom and opportunity fled. Be it from Cuba, Ireland, Russia, China, or Italy, they came here. Millions of them came here with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs and the desire to succeed. Stories of immigrants overcoming hardship and succeeding in America are legion. Our promise – come to America. We can’t guarantee anything, but you are limited only by what you can achieve.
Last Tuesday, America made a choice. I think it was a poor choice, maybe a careless choice.
We may not understand it yet, but we may have given away our inalienable rights, in exchange for promises from politicians. We may have traded admiration of success for envy. An immigrant today faces hurdles worthy of a third world dictatorship in starting a business, with local, state and federal officials claiming jurisdiction over everything from his products, to his workplace to the wages he pays to the work rules he applies. If he fails, we bail him out. If he succeeds, “we” get a substantial cut – if we even let him try! After all – “you didn’t build that”.
Is this America?
This article, written by a Brit who has lived in both Britain and America, says it better than I could.
I share his dismay, but not his despair. My plan remains “eternal vigilance”. It is vital the The People understand that personal responsibility is not optional, and “social responsibility” is a ruse. They must understand how and why the promises of “free stuff” will not, and can not be fulfilled. The future of our children and nation depend on an informed and vigilant electorate.
I believe that we must maintain America as someplace they can “escape to”. It is my duty to do what I can to defend the nation that has treated me so well.
Tell me: What were your reasons for voting as you did? What issues were most important? Why?
Share with me, and with the readers. I urge you to comment.
Donald Lee November 18, 2012 at 12:20 AM
Another article from out east – those who have lived socialism don’t understand why those in the USA can actually embrace it. http://www.irishexaminerusa.com/mt/2012/07/17/americans_ignorance_about_soci.html
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Michele Olson November 21, 2012 at 05:58 PM
I voted Democrat because I DO believe in social responsibility; humans are not islands, but social creatures. Working together as a community is how mankind fought its way up from the stone age, created a language, survived the elements. Look at any society around the world, and humankind has usually tended to cling together as a social unit. The whole image of the hardy immigrant coming to this shore and making his own way is an illusion. People immigrated here and found communities that were willing to help them survive. Our rights and freedoms are precious, I will agree. Freedom of expression, freedom from religious intolerance, freedom to vote. IMO, it is the Democratic party that has worked to preserve those rights. I didn’t vote Democrat to “get free stuff” – although it is interesting that one man’s “free stuff” is another man’s corporate tax write-off. I voted Democrat because I’ve learned something from history: every time, EVERY time, a minority accumulates the wealth, as is happening now, very, very bad things happen. I’m no communist (in fact, my husband served during the Cold War), and I don’t envy anybody else’s possessions. But this much disparity between those who have and those who do not, is dangerous. I also voted Democrat because I believe in education. If you haven’t been paying attention, this planet is dying. We need every student on board in the coming generations to learn how to save it.
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Donald Lee November 21, 2012 at 07:39 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. The difference between “free stuff” and the “community” you describe is subtle, but I believe that it is a difference in degree rather than fundamentals. The problem with socialism, as Margaret Thatcher observed is that it works fine until you run out of other people’s money. It’s not that the “stuff” is “free”, but that the Democrat party has embraced the idea that the government should be used freely as a tool to force some people to pay, at least in part, for other people’s choices. Once you cross that line, there is no limit. There is no obvious place to stop. For instance, education is a good example. We have “public schools”, that are paid for by the whole community. The argument is that the whole community benefits, but the dynamics in that school are not necessarily what parents, or the community want. In education, frequently those who can well afford to pay for the education of their own children themselves force those with less in their communities to pay for their educational choices. At the same time, the policies in the schools are dictated by politics rather than the desires of parents or even best practices in education. Teachers unions turn out to be a powerful force for stasis, and drive higher costs. Thanks again for posting.
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Michele Olson November 22, 2012 at 12:49 AM
You bring up an interesting point about schools. Thing is, the public school system in this country wasn’t set up to propagate parental ideals, but to further the cause of American citizenship. An extremely ethnocentric view of the world, perhaps, but in the words of Lincoln, we consider ourselves ‘the last best hope for humanity.” (True or no? That’s a WHOLE other column.) Every generation learns something new, and every generation before resists it. If parents decide curriculum, we WILL have stasis. Disagree? Review the history of desegregation in the school systems. Thanks for listening. : )
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Donald Lee November 23, 2012 at 02:52 AM
We could have some long talks about this. 🙂 Thanks for posting.
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Peter November 13, 2012 at 03:04 PM
There was an election. The people of the state of Minnesota and country voted. And the republicans lost. The republicans, especially Romney, won the vote of older white males and not much more. The voices of the entire country spoke.
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Amadeus November 13, 2012 at 03:36 PM
Since you mentioned immigration, one of the big reasons I was reluctant to vote Republican was the GOP stance on immigration. We used to welcome the world’s “huddled masses” to our shores. But more recently, our immigration system has gotten more and more restrictive, to the point where it’s almost impossible for an unskilled immigrant to come to the United States legally. And the Republican Party has become the driving force behind these changes. So I agree that we should “maintain America as someplace they can escape to,” but I don’t see how that’s an argument for supporting the party with an agenda of making the country less welcoming to foreigners.
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Donald Lee November 13, 2012 at 04:22 PM
Thank you for posting. The result is not news. Why did you vote the way you did?
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Peter November 13, 2012 at 06:08 PM
Ah, another anti-Obama/anti-democrat blog post that cites another anti-Obama/anti-democrat article. I voted democrat because the democratic party is willing to represent all the people of the country regardless of race or sexual orientation, not just the select few the republican party is concerned with.
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Donald Lee November 13, 2012 at 06:54 PM
Republicans believe that sticking to principle, for instance color-blindness in racial policy, is the best way to achieve a just and prosperous society. Giving officials the ability to pick winners and losers generally does not achieve its intended ends, and begs for corruption. In what way, specifically, is the Democratic party more willing to represent all the people? How, specifically, have the Republicans failed to do this?
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Peter November 13, 2012 at 08:28 PM
While I would love to debate this more, I will let the results of the election speak for themselves about what people think of the republican party.
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Donald Lee November 13, 2012 at 09:01 PM
Unfortunately, the election results tell us what was decided, but very little about why. Only you can do that.
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Peter November 13, 2012 at 09:38 PM
This articles sums up a few of the many reasons the republican party lost so badly. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/08/opinion/the-republicans-post-election-day.html
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The teens receive a medal and a gift bag.”We really look for young people who are not sitting on the sidelines watching the problems, but those who are taking their time, talents, and resources into the community to help,” said the museum’s senior vice president, Peggy Sweeney. Hot Topic, Inc. today unveiled Blackheart – a Coach purses store for girls who rock & roll. The new retail concept launched an e-commerce site and will open five stores offering a collection of bras, panties, corsets, hosiery, sleepwear, rock apparel, accessories and beauty products that is hot, edgy, sometimes cheeky and always rock star sexy.”Blackheart is for the independent girl, age 18-30, who considers her Coach purses a part of her personal Coach outlet statement,” said Lisa Harper, Chairman and CEO at Hot Topic, Inc. “She wants to stand out in a crowd – and now her Blackheart Coach purses can help her do that.” http://www.cocoachfactoryoutlet.com/ coach factory outlet http://www.cocoachfactoryoutlet.com/ coach factory online http://www.cocoachfactoryoutlet.com/ coach factory
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Peter November 16, 2012 at 09:00 PM
Here is what I consider an excellent article, written by John McCain’s republican daughter, about why the republicans lost so very badly. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/11/16/meghan-mccain-on-why-the-republican-party-needs-to-wake-up.html
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