I read today that President Obama is once again missing the legal deadline for submitting a budget to Congress. This is neither unusual nor unexpected. It is also inconsequential, because President Obama’s budgets have been generally ignored by bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress.
This failure would be worthy of some press attention, especially considering that President Obama has been fond of chastising his political opponents with their failures to “meet deadlines”.
Unfortunately, there are very few in either Washington or St. Paul who are willing to be honest with the People. The fact is that in both Minnesota and nationally, we are spending more money than we have, and racking up debt on our offspring. The problem is far worse in Washington than St. Paul, but the problem is the same. The voters demand easy answers, and the politicians provide them. Demagogues trump those who speak the truth, and .
Focus on our growing debt is appropriate, and necessary. There is no greater threat to our nation than the possibility that we may become a deadbeat nation. Given that we currently have no plan to repay our national debt, and seem to consider every need a necessity, being a deadbeat is a very real possibility. No amount of “easing” by the Federal Reserve will satisfy our international creditors.
The house GOP has started on a path to try to force Congress to produce a budget – a reasonable and modest demand – let’s support their effort, and at least get some honesty on our out of control spending.