I want to point to two articles from other publications about IRS corruption, and about why impeachment as a strategy may be a bad idea.
The first is a case of the fox not just guarding the henhouse, but eating the chickens in broad daylight. It’s about the IRS as a political weapon, and the apparent indifference of the press. It’s about April Sands, a former FEC official, who appears to have mixed her political activities with her FEC duties in plain sight, and in violation of the Hatch Act. The FEC regulates campaign finance, and is potentially a much more potent political weapon than the IRS. Remember the name: April Sands.
Read about IRS corruption.
Thomas Sowell is the soul of clarity and precision. His article below speaks of impeachment and lawsuits, and why neither should be pursued. I disagree with him. Opposing the the likes of April Sands is a duty. Inaction smacks of indifference, or even tacit support. Our founders gave Congress impeachment as its tool to control a wayward executive. It is always legitimate to question how well we are following our constitution. Steadfast opposition to corruption in plain sight is essential if America, as an idea, is to be preserved. Powerful political headwinds must be considered, but should not deter us from duty.
Read Thomas Sowell.
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