This upcoming election year is sure to contain a lot of commentary about Islam, Islamophobia, Middle East politics, the Arab Spring, and a host of other subjects that relate to the Muslim world, and especially the Middle East.
Unfortunately, much of that commentary is based on what can be charitably called ignorance. In most conversations about politics, it is possible to go to the source, possibly use an internet search engine and research “the facts”. In this case, “the facts” are probably in arabic, so that makes the research difficult.
There exists an organization called MEMRI – the Middle East Media Research Institute. They translate the news from that part of the world from the native languages to English, and post it for us to read.
Check it out: http://www.memri.org/
In 2012, when you hear things about the Middle East. Go read the MEMRI web site, and see what the news media in that part of the world are saying to their own people. You may be shocked and surprised, but you will be far better informed in this vital election year of decision.