I just finished watching the local TV debate between the DFL and GOP candidates for state legislature from district 52. That district includes Mendota Heights, Mendota, Lillydale, West St. Paul, South St Paul, Sunfish Lake, northern Eagan, and Inver Grove Heights. There are two house seats in district 52, and one senate seat, so there are 6 candidates, 2 for each office.
Town Square TV puts on this debate every election, and it is a wonderful opportunity to see the candidates on camera answering questions about policy.
You can see the video here.
The presidential race seems to get all the attention, but the state legislature is where much of the real action is. In Minnesota, the state legislature is the dominant force in health care, education, business climate, industrial regulation, and taxation. If you want to make a difference in Minnesota, don’t waste your time on the presidency. Win over state government.
Unfortunately, most voters don’t even know who these 6 men are, nor what seats they are seeking. When I ran for Minnesota House in 2010, I had many, many voters ask me my opponent was. (Rick Hansen, the incumbent.)
No progress can be expected in improving state government, until the voters are more engaged.
At the end of the debate Rick Hansen said that he looks forward to “continuing the conversation” at the front doors of his constituents. Having run against him in 2010, I know he means it. These 6 candidates have already spent months going door to door, and will spend much of the next two months going door to door, introducing themselves to the voters, and asking for your support.
That’s how local politics works. Door to door. Person to person.
The purpose of my blog today is to encourage my readers to take full advantage of the candidates’ efforts, and to be nice to them.
It is important to recognize and honor the fact that all 6 of these candidates are serving you, whether by serving in office, or by running in opposition. They are going door to door in a sincere effort to get the pulse of the voters. You can agree or disagree with them, but they want to know what you think. The salary of a state legislator is $30,000/year. They are not running to get rich. They all do this because they believe in what they do, and that their policy prescriptions are the right ones. They hope the voters will agree.
We get to weigh in on November 6th.
Be nice to them. I know four of these gentlemen, and know for a fact that all 6 are very human. They want your vote, but they also want your approval. They want to believe that they are doing the right thing, and your opinion of them matters. Ask them the tough questions. Argue with them. Disagree. Don’t call them crooks or tell them how dishonest politicians are. It’s not true. These are honorable men.
Get more information on these 6 candidates here:
- Senate 52: http://www.jamesmetzen.com/
- Senate 52: http://www.rabuseforsenate.com/
- House 52A: http://www.facebook.com/JoeBlumForMnHouse52a
- House 52A: http://votehansen.com
- House 52B: http://www.joeatkins.com/
- House 52B: http://paultuschy.com/
Be informed.
Vote on Nov 6th.