We all know about the “If you like your health care you can keep it” promise that President Obama repeated ad nauseum, specifically to gain support for his signature legislation – the #TrainWreck. (aka PPACA, or Obamacare)
Unfortunately, it does not end there. This news article outlines a gathering scandal that was once dismissed by the left as ridiculous. The Obama administration wanted to put the census bureau under more direct Whitehouse control. It turns out that the census bureau was corrupted by the Whitehouse specifically for political advantage by making up unemployment numbers to help with the election.
The census used to be a simple count of people, but the modern census is a huge effort that controls billions of dollars in government outlays, and can determine outcomes in future elections. Those who want to control those results want – badly – to “bend” the census in their direction.
I am waiting for the supporters of President Obama to wake up and notice that he will not be president very long. He will leave office in January 2017, and someone else will occupy the office. Precedents that he sets will be exploited by those who follow him. Powers gained will not be relinquished. G W Bush did secretly what Obama is doing openly. G W Bush at least asked permission from Congress before launching wars. Obama insists that he does not need to ask. Some of Obama’s critics say he has simply continued the G W Bush policies.
Whether legitimate or not, the powers he amasses, and the unchallenged corruption that commits or permits will be his legacy. This includes any dishonesty that he makes acceptable.
Do those blindly supporting the president not understand the enormous damage to our republic that ensues from corruption, and the loss of faith in the integrity of the system? Is dishonesty no longer a dis-qualifier for positions of trust, especially those with great power, as the presidency?
How many open, obvious, politically motivated lies will have to be revealed before his supporters decide that corruption cannot be tolerated, no matter who holds the office, and no matter whose ox is gored.