Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. It is ironic that on the day after Mother’s Day, the Minnesota Senate will vote on whether the distinct role of “mother” will be purged from state law. Please join me, as one of the millions of Minnesotans who voted to prevent this. Send flowers to the Capitol. I will be there on Monday to arrange them in front of a tombstone, symbolic of the demise of marriage in Minnesota.
We are witnessing the slow-motion death of marriage. The bill passed by the house on Thursday – HF 1054 – effectively wipes away gender-specific terms, such as “husband,” “wife,” “mother,” “father,” “widow,” “widower”. The law demands that these terms be “construed” in a “neutral manner” any time same sex couples are involved. That same bill will be up for vote in the senate on this coming Monday, the 13th of May. If passed, it will go to Governor Dayton, and become law.
This change in law is not the broadening of the institution of marriage that its proponents paint. It is the beginning of the end of marriage as we know it in Minnesota.
The vote on Monday will be another major landmark. The bill passed last Thursday will remove the distinct legal roles of “mother” and “father” from Minnesota law. Anti-discrimination law will suppress the speech of any who publicly express the idea that traditional marriage is somehow more virtuous or honorable. Marriage “equality” will be state law. Biology will be ignored. Your “religious” opinions are trumped by the “equality” that has been “achieved”.
This is not exaggeration. Marriage, as an institution of commitment, selflessness and sacrifice, is out of step with culture. With these changes in law, marriage will quickly degenerate into merely a public declaration of sexual practice. The combination of anti-discrimination law for “sexual orientation” plus a growing population of same sex couples will make it impossible to support the traditional marriage institution. Institutions without social support wither, and the values that uphold the importance of marriage will be condemned as bigotry. Our children will be indoctrinated to believe this as well. Their own parents will be condemned if they try to teach their children that there is honor in aspiring to raise a traditional family. The law will punish anyone who dares to publicly extoll the sacrifice and virtues of marriage.
This won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. Some will consider it to be progress.
Last fall, 47% of Minnesota voters said they did not want this to happen. The legislature is rolling over those 47% and doing what the activists are demanding.
Send flowers. A solemn and dignified protest against the end of marriage is a fitting way to say no to this tragedy. If you can, come help me arrange them. I will be on the capitol mall from 8 AM to 4 PM Monday to accept and arrange the flowers.
No chants. No slogans.
Just send flowers.