Barack Obama won his place in the Democratic party on his anti-war record. He prevailed over Hillary Clinton in 2008 largely on the strength of his anti-war positions. (and here) Syria poses absolutely no direct threat to the US. It is ironic in the extreme that Obama is preparing to launch a war on the basis that Syria has used WMDs. (also here) When President G W Bush was in office and hinting about launching attacks on Iran, Senator Barack Obama was clear in his opposition. In late 2007, Obama said: ” The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” Joe Biden had his say as well: Joe Biden Video (also at Breitbart) I have written on this subject before. ( here, andhere, and here) I agree with Senator Obama, not President Obama. I agree with Senator Biden, not VP Biden. The president needs the power to repel imminent threats and conduct a prudent foreign policy. The president must nothave the power to launch wars at will, without the consent of the people, through their elected representatives. I agree with our founding fathers that an executive with unfettered war-making powers is dangerous. It is time for the people, and the people’s representatives to protect and defend the constitution. We must make it clear that if any attack on Syria is necessary, the president mustmake the case to Congress.