Happy 4th of July!
We celebrate today the signing of our founding document, the Declaration of Independence. Everyone should read it, know what it says, and know something about its history, why it was written, and by whom. We are a unique nation in that we are not bound together by ethnicity or geography. We are bound together by ideas, and those timeless ideas are expressed eloquently in our declaration.
While we celebrate, we should remember the words of many of our past patriots who warn us that liberty is not something you can take for granted. When the constitution was written, Benjamin Franklin was asked what sort of government we will have, he replied: ” A republic, if you can keep it“.
We are extraordinarily blessed with honest, brave and competent officials. I am often humbled by the sacrifice and professionalism of our police and military, but there are exceptions, and we must take care that the exceptions do not become the rule.
This article, from Henderson Nevada, is such an exception. I have no doubt there is more to this story, but it should serve to remind us that men are not angels. Power corrupts, and without diligence and tenacity, the arc of history always bends toward brutality and despotism. The police officers in this story likely believe they are doing the right thing, just as the homeowners who stood on their constitutional rights in refusing the demands of those police. It is up to the courts, and even more, up to public opinion, to hammer home the idea that this sort of behavior in our law enforcement is completely unacceptable.
When the police, or the NSA, or the president, or anyone else starts acting like the law is optional, or can be ignored, we have a serious problem. Preventing that breakdown is a job for every one of us. We cannot simply enjoy our liberty. We must ” keep it“.
Happy 4th!