The AAPS is a wonderful organization, and is doing what the AMA should be. This op-ed is an excellent read. Enjoy, Read it here. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: economics

Don offers a pointer to a wonderful article about virtue, taxes, capitalism, and creativity.
Continue readingThomas Sowell is a wonderful writer and great economist. His column Big Lies in Politics is another example of his thoughtful clarity. The “left” frequently reminds us that there are disparities between rich and poor. This is presented as strictly … Continue reading
President Obama is a real artist when on the stump. Unfortunately, it’s all snake oil. The distance between what he says, and what he does is vast. He also does much better when speaking in generalities, and falls apart when … Continue reading
Politics is about trust, and about ideas. I believe that ideas trump all else. What we believe to be true is the overarching determinant of how we behave, and how we vote. For this reason, politics is a battle over … Continue reading